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Showing posts from 2018

Let's Be Friends

The "friends with an ex conversation." Most of us know it all too well. Whether your relationship ended on mutual terms or feelings that one person had lost interest in the other, the "I'd like us to be friends still " conversation seems inevitable. It is hard to fully let go sometimes, so I understand why someone would start this conversation with the person they loved. Especially if the relationship began with a genuine friendship , you don't want to completely ruin what you and that person had as friends just because a romantic relationship didn't work out. I mean you can still hangout from time to time, go see a to them all day just without all the feelings right? After all you're just Netflix and chilling. Ha, you thought. Trying to maintain just a friendship with someone who you once had a romantic relationship with is MESSY ! POINT BLANK PERIOD . Now do I think its impossible for you and an ex lover to be frie

A Letter For You

Dear Past Me, 2017 was a pretty tough year for you.  And by pretty tough I mean the worst year yet.  Had you had the chance to get a glimpse of what was ahead, who knows what you would have done. But you freaking made it! Through every heartbreak, disappointment, let-down... you made it . Through every moment of uncertainty and fear, through every day of loneliness and sadness, now you see...those days and moments don't last forever. And I am so proud of you. For staying strong when you felt the weakest. For not giving up, when you felt like there was no point in trying anymore. For continuing to love although you felt like your love was unwarranted. For being tireless in your efforts, when you felt like all your hard work was going unnoticed. For believing in you, even when all you could see in yourself was failure. In this moment, two days into the new year, I write this letter with sincere gratefulness. Grateful for both the successes and for the failures, especially th