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In this life you live and you learn.

There is no way around the mistakes and lessons that life will bring no matter how much your parents shelter you, no matter how careful you are, no matter what you think life may owe you.
I mean wouldn't it be nice if shit just didn't happen, but guess what? Shit happens.
So what do you do then? You face them head on! You look your challenge or adversity straight in the face and you FIGURE IT OUT.

The thing about challenges is that you won't be prepared for them, if you were then they wouldn't be so much of a challenge. However; those life lessons can be easier to manage and a whole lot less stressful with a little advice from someone who may have faced the same difficulty at some point in their life or from someone who may have a different perspective on the situation. (Trust me, perspective is evveerryytthhiinng)

From stress at work or the annoying teacher at school, to figuring out how to deal with the issues of a significant other, to dealing with parents who maybe just don't seem to understand, to trying to manage friendships from a distance, we are all living and learning. And every now and then, we are dealing with  it all at one time.

 So if life has brought you a challenge & you're trying to figure out how to deal with it all...let me know! For this is the basis of my blogs. 

When you get the time, shoot me a text (no you aren't actually texting me, its an app that allows for me to receive messages that shows nothing but the content of the message, no numbers no names so don't be shy!.) I'd love to hear from you!

DISCLAIMER: All submissions are completely anonymous. Your number is not visible nor shared. The content of your submission is only a basis for me to use to incorporate in my blog. My blog is my response to your submission.
Remember DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR NAME. I want to be able to provide everyone with a fair response, and one that is unbiased as well. Informing me of who you are may hinder that.


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