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The Word Faithful: Pertaining To Your Relationship

Is i‎t easy to be faithful in a relationship?
And like a church choir we all respond in unison and answer “Yes” to this question. Based on my Twitter poll and Facebook post it’s apparent that most people do in fact believe that it is easy to stay faithful in a committed relationship.

When you look at the definition of faithful it means, loyal and constant, adhering firmly to and devotedly as to a person, cause or idea. And of course most people assume that faithfulness is to be set and established between both individuals at the start of the relationship. Wow, devoted, constant, loyal. Those words carry a lot of weight and meaning. With faithfulness being defined as such have you ever thought that maybe faithfulness of that degree is something that is established over a long period of time rather than immediately in affect at the time you and your partner decide to make it “official”?

Think about the things you are now devoted to? Can you honestly say you were immediately loyal and constant with those things once you began? When I think about it, there aren’t many things I’m actually devoted to now but I can say growing up I was a “faithful church member” (i’m sure some of you church goers have heard that phrase before) but I went every Sunday, like clock work and I hated it, initially. But what was it that kept me going, if I disliked it so much? For me, I felt strengthened, and renewed after a good church service. It wasn’t until I began to appreciate all that I gained from attending service that attending became easier and constant. But then I got older, and things began to change and I started viewing church differently. It no longer satisfied me as it use to. And now today, I can’t tell you the last time I went to a church service. So much for being the faithful church goer.

But can we not apply that same behavior to relationships? Is it safe to say that ones faithfulness to another is in fact dependent on the satisfaction of the relationship they’re in? And is it possible that faithfulness is something that is actually developed over time? Something that one gets acquainted with and then begins to develop as time passes? I mean if we do it with God, how could we expect to treat each other any better. Think about it, think of all the things that your significant other does for you that you just love and appreciate so much. What if they stopped doing those things, how satisfied would you be in your relationship? Would you remain faithful, regardless? What is your faithfulness in fact dependent on?
Just a thought.

But as I mentioned most people said that being faithful is easy. So for those who answered yes, being faithful is easy, why is it easy? Are you somewhat stronger than those who answered no? If so, what makes you so much stronger? Is it that you have more will power maybe? If that’s the case then those who cheat can be labeled as weak.
I mean we’ve all heard the saying, “once a cheater always a cheater,” right well, if that is a true statement then stopping a cheater from cheating is like telling a drug addict to just stop doing drugs. And i’m sure if it was that simple most people wouldn’t cheat (or do drugs).
So with all that will power you possess, then it must in fact be harder to be faithful, than to cheat?
Just a thought.

Let’s all keep in mind, being faithful comprises of more than just staying out of multiple beds. I mean we’ve all heard that cheating just doesn’t include the extreme act of being physically involved with another person outside of your relationship, right? Which I think is true.
I mean looking back at the definition of faithfulness, there are multiple words use to define it’s meaning. For example the word constant is used to define faithful so from that it can be assumed that inconsistency is a degree of unfaithfulness to your partner, no? Well with that revelation, perhaps faithfulness is much more than we assumed.
Just a thought.

Facts, I did not write this blog to give a definite answer to the question of whether or not being faithful was easy. I do not think this topic is as black and white as people tend to believe.
But I wrote it in hopes that some of my insight aids in opening my mind and yours to a different perspective. To a perspective that challenges our own thoughts and ideas.
That is all.


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